Criminal Activity & Police Corruption

Multiple Characters

Having multiple character that are in one gang/organization is not allowed. Avoid having multiple character in the same story/scenario.

Criminal Activities

Criminal activities are limited to 4 players max at a time. Relaying information to or between character counts as you part of that scenario [lookouts/radio communications] Whenever characters are brought into police custody and a second group of four is formed to attempt a prison break or transport break, that second group is not allowed to intervene until the prison transport begins. Doing so with small weapons or an unthought out plan is considered failure to value one's life. You are not allowed to smuggle items into jail, unless you are participating in a jailbreak.

Gang Criminal Activities

Organized gang/organization meetings are allowed more than 4 people to attend [The gang/organization that has the more people that attend aren't allowed to initiate a shootout/fight at the meeting].

  • Before any sort of gang war/fight there needs to be initiation of high value/importance.

  • Only your gang/organization leaders can call and initiate a war.

  • Gang fights/wars must be dealt with in sensible areas. Not popular places such as legion square or the hospital.

  • Twitter drama between gangs/organizations/police is not allowed.

Police and Government Corruption This rule pertains to server economy and criminal weapon/equipment supply balancing.

  • Police weapons may not be stolen, robbed, sold by LEO, or be given away by LEO.

  • Police vehicles may be stolen but may not be sold or given away by LEO.

  • Police radios may not be stolen, given away, or used by civilians.

  • Permitted forms of police corruption include accepting bribes/kickbacks, intimidation, harassment, opportunistic theft, corruption of authority, protection of illegal activities (turning-a-blind-eye), and general violations of the law (including things you may be sued for, such as violations of civil rights).

  • Prohibited forms of police corruption include racially-charged/prejudicial-roleplay, stealing items from the police evidence room, records room, or crime lab storage, selling or distributing police weapons, radios, or equipment.

  • Caution: The State Police is considered an at-will employer, engaging in corruption may result in immediate termination.

  • For all intents and purposes, in-character behavior is only punishable in-character; complaints of misconduct or corruption must be made with in-character information. With that said, and taking into account the above information regarding permitted and prohibited corruption, it should be noted that there is a certain extent to which character-acting is tolerated; acting toxically or like an inconsiderate jerk will result in termination and/or removal from the community (see General rule tab).

Last updated