Gangs & Businesses

  1. If you are not in a verified gang or mafia, you should not be roleplaying as one.

  2. You must follow all #server-rules during your RP, failure to do so will lead to punishments and removal from your chosen gang or mafia.

  3. As a gang or mafia leader, you will be responsible for all your members.

  4. As a gang or mafia leader, you will be held to a higher standard of roleplay and are expected to hold/lift your members to a higher standard too.

  5. Members of a gang or mafia cannot shoot other gangs or mafias or civilians or LEO for no reason, this would be considered RDM.

  6. Only your gang or mafia leaders can call and initiate a war. You must let any active moderation be aware of this.

  7. Members of Staff can remove any member of the gang or mafia if they see necessary.

  8. Members can only be in one gang or mafia at a time.

Last updated